Kentucky Landscapes

kentucky landscapes new adventures

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Recently my wife and I drove to Northwestern Kentucky to help our son-in-law and youngest daughter get unpacked and settled into their new home. Between some of the unboxing and furniture moving I captured these frames using my little iPhone (SE2 model). Though I think these frames are nice, I wish I had taken my Nikon D-70 to see what I could have captured with it.

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Over the span of a few days we experienced heavy afternoon rains, some large sized hail, and saw some beautiful clouds driven by fervent winds. The clouds provided nice backdrops to the pastoral scenery surrounding their new home. Though I captured a number of beautiful shots, for now, I will tone down my sharing of them to these seven.

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The visual drama of the skies joined by the orchestrated drumming of thunderstorms ebbed and flowed only to exit to the next scene somewhere else down the road. The chorus of birds would cease for the event then crescendo into song upon the fresh revelation of sunlight.

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This scene played through a few times over, during the course of our three day visit, as if practicing would make it perfected. Grassy fields danced melodically while rows of corn waved in unison in a supporting role.

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As I stood surveying it all, I could imagine our daughter, inspired by the surrounding buena vista, painting her oil paintings here! I could imagine future generations of little feet running in the Kentucky bluegrass chasing dreams, exploring, and fighting imaginary villians. All of this under girded by the strong hands and hardwork ethic of our young son-in-law.

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